It's official ! I am addicted to Dawn of War ! The campaign mode has got me staying up nights trying to defeat the Orks and Eldar, and patiently waiting to see what the Chaos guys have been up to...am up to mission 7 of 11 thus far, and am looking for the next expansion - hint hint (word to my travelling boet....look out for Winter Assault, the add-in pack)
As one of my multiplayer buddies puts it : the game is ...."immersive"!
Magic has died down a little, but it'll pick up again, just as my weight tends to do, when I get inactive as I have done over the past three weeks - work and home life and have not offered the opportunities to visit the local Virgin Active....must be sure not to default on my vitality membership for a THIRD time !
More later, with Zi back to school and Adam a little under the weather with his molars all cutting at the same time, and a bit of 'flu to boot....