Thursday, July 14, 2005

More munchies from Kauai

I had a Breakfast wrap for brekkies, after my early squash game - 6/10 (marked down since they didn't have avo !)

Also, had an Immunity Booster smoothie for lunch - 7/10

Am enjoying the renewed physical activity, and am looking forward to the benefits kicking in soon....

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

ICON 2005

ICON 2005 is on this coming weekend, up in Jozie - sadly, I wont be among the throngs....but, my spirit and my crewz will be there in effect !

Finding your balance

Visit these guys to check out the menu that I'll be sampling whenever I go to gym !

Chai Chiller - 6/10 - has sorbet, and is not creamy enough : a bit grainy....

Current music : Monkey Business - Black-Eyed Peas

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Started Gym again !

Yip, finally managed to drag myself over to the gym this morning....great surprise to find a Kauai store has replaced the gym cafe....THIS should get me there more regularly ! Scoffed down a Chai Chiller for brekkies after a short workout....

Good new from Zsa yesterday that her lil un is developing very nicely, and news this morning is that Jeremy and Jean had baby Samuel come into their lives last night.

Adam went back to creche today, and Heidi was going to try to get to gym, with Aziz....more about that later....

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Random notes from my filofax

Life is not measured by the moments in which we breath. Life is measured by the moments that take our breath away.


....a fading memory
evaporating as we speak
like frost off of a
defogging window

- Geordie Tait

The spirit leaves you like passengers
disembarking a rusted ancient locomotive
that finally reached it's last stop

- ?

I felt like I'd fallen over the rim of the universe
and into the fires of hell itself

- Stephen King

The doors of human perception swing wide,
and they admit a great many things
that are far better felt than spoken

- Geordie Tait

Monday, July 04, 2005

Genoeg is genoeg !

Adam, Xander and Zi, having a good ol' laugh at McDonalds....

At McDonalds, Richards Bay

Wow ! Look at me now !

Adam at Mickey Dees, with brother Aziz, and his friend, Xander.....