Saturday, February 25, 2006

Eurotrip 2006

Just a note to mention that we are plotting a Eurotrip in July, to celebrate our 10th anniversary !

Plan so far is to take 3 weeks, and spend it on Paris, including Eurodisney, and Italy, and maybe Scotland....

More as this develops

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dad, Interrupted

I had a brainwave today ! I want a bike !

First thought was a BMW F-series....

Second thought was : Have I reached my mid-life crisis point already ?

I've been enjoying loads of alone time with the boyz lately - H had a working weekend away in Durban, and I stayed in Kwambo, and had great fun ! It was a full-time job though, and not for the faint-hearted, at times...

Am still missing my digital camera, and am almost at the point of buying another one, but it doesn't feel right ! I've gotto try and get it fixed ~ maybe next time we're in Durban; prolly not anytime soon !