Online diary of Aroon Patel; a place to record and share our families experiences and memories as they are created, in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa where we live, and in the world...
Monday, December 25, 2006
Cape Town weekend
2 Lil Puppies left
Violet went to a lovely old couple who had to bid farewell to their 12 yr old GSD last year.
Leiea went while I was in CT.
The twins (Mulan and Xena) went to a family who have just moved into the area (Richards Bay) and have always had German Shepherds. Their yard is big, and they are going to spoil the girls rotten.
Overall, we were sad to part with the pups, but are happy with the people they went to.
Things in the yard are a lot less hectic now, and after their last booster shots due this week, I will start walking them on a leash...
Monday, November 20, 2006
First to go !
We were saddened, but it is a necessary step to take - the young uns are getting so big now, it's becoming too much to handle !
Then there were 5 :
2. Sofia
3. Leiea
4. Hannah (Montana)
5. Mulan
6. Pup whose name I cant remember !
Friday, November 17, 2006
Always look on the bright side of life !
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Ma does the Big Apple
I am SOOO envious, since New York is one of my MUST-SEE places. Still, I can live vicariously through the experiences of others....
I found some cool city guides that could provide loads of fun activities in the city that never sleeps :
Things to do that are free
30 free things to do in Manhattan (do these REALLY exist ?!)
Big Apple Greeters - This one rocks ! Volunteer NYC residents give free tours of their city, anytime of year
New York City's Top attractions
I wanna see photos !
Monday, September 18, 2006
Snake on a Plane
Follow the Adventures of the Python (aka Snake on a plane !) through his online photo album (Mom, click on the highlighted text)...
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Population of 1 Reading Place increases drastically !
She is healthy, and her motherly instinct has kicked in immediately.
Excuse me while I rush home to check on this space for some cute photos...
Monday, August 21, 2006
Lois is gonna be a momma !
After thinking she was ill, noticing a behaviour change and a swelling tummy area, we took her to the vet last Friday......a scan showed 10 lil pups waiting to emerge !!!
If we thought life was hectic enough, it wasn't !
Monday, August 07, 2006
More news
16th September will herald Adam's 2nd birthday, and we're planning a Monsters Inc party, since that's his all-time favourite movie ! (Zi is still partial to Jurassic Park)
23rd Sept will see us make another road trip, this time to Jozi, to attend Mireille's wedding !!!
And, speaking of weddings, I just got off the phone with Sunita, out in 'Frisco - she is planning her marriage for September 07, and we're planning to attend !!!
Home renovations are almost about to start - plan is to complete in time for Adam's party....with Boss Heidi at the helm, I'm pretty sure we'll finish in time .... !
Lastly, I finally finished the campaign mode of Dawn Of War !!! Just in time for the sequel that was released last month ! Hows THAT for timing ! While I wait to get my hands on a copy of the follow-up game, I am plodding along through Lord of the Rings, Battle for Middle Earth ~ am getting closer and closer to pitching up at the Black Gate with the Riders of the Riddermark in tow....
It's SNO good !
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Best foods for men ?
Use it, don't use it....
Monday, June 05, 2006
Mione Cari Eames
Give it up for Mione Cari Eames
She arrived on 23 May, at the Bay Hospital in Richards Bay, but we have yet to meet her in person. With such a creative and unusual name, and such great parents, she's really set to make her mark on this world....
Welcome Mione Cari, and we look forward to meeting you soon !
Another Durban weekend !
We had another weekend in Durban - got to see The Python fighting in a Brazilian Jujitsu event at Gateway, and celebrate SistaSue's birthday....
In addition, we purchased a portable DVD playa + screens for use in the car on long trips, to keep the monstas like a charm ! That trip to Tiffendell next month is going to be a breeze !
We plan to spend the next coupla weekends at home, just pottering, and visiting (local) friends....
Historical note on Brazilian/Gracie Jujitsu - Gracie was a Scottish seaman who went to Brazil. In 1910 the Japanese Maeda came to the Uk and then Portugal and on to Brazil - he taught the Gracie brothers what was at the time JuJutsu - which could be described as the generic form of martial art from which Kodokan Judo and the modern forms of Ju Juitsu originated. Gracie style concentrates a great deal on Newaza style techniques but is fundamentally 'Judo' (historical comment from Dickie Bowen)
Monday, May 29, 2006
Weekend antics
H&I went to the launch of a new hangar for the Red Cross Air Mercy service (AMS), at Durban International Airport, leaving the boys with the granmas for the night....
We caught a late movie (when last did we do THAT ?!) - X-men 3 : was very entertaining !!! While waiting for the movie, we shopped at the Pavillion, buying Arno Carstens' first album, and that holy grail of animated movies : Buzz Lightyear of Star Command !!!
On Saturday, after I took a short early drive with the RS2 (see below), we spent the morning at the Essenwood craft market...
After a bit of rest in the afternoon, we took a trip to Gateway, where the boys ran riot at the Science center. We saw a great PC setup for kids, and decided to try and do the same at home...
After putting the family to bed in the evening, I went out with some buds, to TACO ZULU, a new Afro-Mexican eatery in Florida Road.
Sunday saw the Quattro shootout, and a wedding - pictures on flickr....
Returning home by 3pm, we looked back at a most enjoyable weekend.
SNOW dot coza
We have been there once before, but this time we're checking into the resort, and taking the boys along....promises to be loads of fun !
A Tale of 2 Quattros !

The highlight of my weekend was driving my buddy TC's two silver Quattros !
He is the proud owner of a 2005 Audi A3 Sportback 3.2 V6 DSG quattro and a 1995 Audi RS2 quattro !!!
The RS2 is an absolute beast - it's 260+ kw of power under the hood just wants to give more, in all gears !
The A3 3.2 V6 is a modern, sophisticated pocket rocket that delivers it's 180kw in the smoothest, slickest way possible...I'm convinced there's no quicker way to change gears than the DSG gearbox !
We'll be looking to take these two beauties to the race track soon, as well as on a few Audi club breakfast runs...I am SOOO keen to find one in SA...there were only 20 brought into the country, so I need all the luck I can get !
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Work has been stressful and exhausting, leaving little energy or time for family over the last few weeks - looking forward to a quiet Easter long weekend - possible that the Momz will be visiting.
Our patio renovation has been finished, and though it's a bit rough (untidy), it really is a big change - having the dogs away makes quite a difference ~ Adam uses the area as a play area during the days, and we have had a lovely Sunday lunch there already, without fear of being bothered by the mutts !!!
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Dawn of War

It's official ! I am addicted to Dawn of War ! The campaign mode has got me staying up nights trying to defeat the Orks and Eldar, and patiently waiting to see what the Chaos guys have been up up to mission 7 of 11 thus far, and am looking for the next expansion - hint hint (word to my travelling boet....look out for Winter Assault, the add-in pack)
As one of my multiplayer buddies puts it : the game is ...."immersive"!
Magic has died down a little, but it'll pick up again, just as my weight tends to do, when I get inactive as I have done over the past three weeks - work and home life and have not offered the opportunities to visit the local Virgin Active....must be sure not to default on my vitality membership for a THIRD time !
More later, with Zi back to school and Adam a little under the weather with his molars all cutting at the same time, and a bit of 'flu to boot....
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Eurotrip 2006
Plan so far is to take 3 weeks, and spend it on Paris, including Eurodisney, and Italy, and maybe Scotland....
More as this develops
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Dad, Interrupted

I had a brainwave today ! I want a bike !
First thought was a BMW F-series....
Second thought was : Have I reached my mid-life crisis point already ?
I've been enjoying loads of alone time with the boyz lately - H had a working weekend away in Durban, and I stayed in Kwambo, and had great fun ! It was a full-time job though, and not for the faint-hearted, at times...
Am still missing my digital camera, and am almost at the point of buying another one, but it doesn't feel right ! I've gotto try and get it fixed ~ maybe next time we're in Durban; prolly not anytime soon !
Monday, January 16, 2006
Further update
This week is orientation week for her out in PMB, so I borrowed the complete Macross saga series of Robotech to keep myself company at nights...but first, I must take a shower !
Our Xmas present to ourselves this holiday was to build an outdoor shower near our pool - it's wonderful to have ! Another terrific addition to the garden was a nicely-sized trampoline that keeps all of us bouncing around all day long...some photos to follow as soon as I fix my camera or get another one !
More later, must go watch some Robotech - it's got to be returned by next week...
2006 Resolutions
read more
spend more time keeping in contact with family
excercise more - compete in the open water swim season next summer
focus more on making a success in my job
go out alone with Heidi more
blog more
Last year I did manage to read more, but not much else on my resolutions list got done...even though I did try to take kite-surfing lessons before the year was up....
Update (partial)
The big news is that H got the job she applied for, and has started last Monday ! She is quite excited, even though it's going to keep her busy, and away from the boys in her life for longer than she had anticipated - we'll have to make the weekends count....
I hadn't gotten around to penning my resolutions, but will do so during the week - one of them is to blog more ;)
Am going to help plan my high school reunion this year, which should be a highlight - more to come on that as well....
Bad news is that my digital camera is on the blink, and is causing me depression !