Thursday, January 27, 2005

Phumba !

This weekend was quite special....

Sacha and Xavier and Keraan came up on Friday to visit and play some Magic, and they gave Kieran a lift up too.

Saturday was a celebration for reaching the halfway mark of Aziz's TB medication program (3 months down, another 3 to go :( ) - we had some people over for lunch/dinner, and we all had great fun !

On Sunday, we were joined by Ma and Dad and Craig who was in SA visiting his Dad who is ill - we're all hoping that his Dad gets a lot better soon.
Jacquie and Tony returned to Kwambo to make a potjiekos for us - Tony is a master, who used juicy venison meat to make his winning meal that was accompanied by roast leg of WARTHOG (aka Phumba) and a terrific prawns curry contribution from Ma Stoltenkamp.
Even Dad enjoyed the meal, and didn't even kick up a fuss when we revealed that the roast was not actually mutton, but warthog !

Heidi outdid herself again, baking more cakes and trifles than we knew what to do with....!

Clinton and Elaine Palmer joined us on both days, and we are hopeful of the start of a healthy "new" friendship with them. Their daughter, Dana, is sweet enough to substitute for dessert !

TC made the drive up, and we were glad to see him, as he is going through a difficult period - we will return the favour by driving down to Durban for his son's birthday party next weekend.

Ma Patel and Mary-Ann also made the trip, as did Sudah and her mom, Leilah - it was fantastic to see all of them.

Though it rained on and off on Sunday, it was not enough to dampen our spirits, and much talk ensued about the possible start of a social/dance club here in Zululand....

On Sunday Heidi and I went to bed exhausted, but happy, glad that the next day was Monday, and that we were travelling to Durban next Friday, for a "weekend off"...

Thursday, January 20, 2005

The Good Ol' Days

I received this mail in my inbox from SistaSue today....makes for some seriously nostalgic reading - thanks girl !

I shared it with Sugan, while munching on a kebaab bunny chow, and his reaction and reminiscing resulted in me posting it here - I know some of my buddies prefer not to receive mass email in their inboxes, but I'm positive they would all (KayCee included) enjoy this....

"Just take a few minutes, sit back with the ole' days!!!

The good ole' days... I’m talking about the time of....Hide and Seek in the park...or the dark...or anywhere. The tearoom down the road, Marbles, Donkey, skipping and handstands, backyard cricket with a tomato box, house-house game, 5 stones, jumping the river, building a swing from a piece of rope tied to a tree, tennis on the street or swing ball in the backyard, Black Shoe black Shoe, Ing Ching China Mina, My name is Cane, Four Corners, Crocodile, Open Gates, Hoopoo, Gully Gundha, Mercy, Slides & climbing trees.

Remember when there was a season for everything, before play stations and cartoon networks, computers... The sound of the fish or fruit & veg vendor in his van. Wicks bubble gum for a cent! Chappies, Roller-skates, BMX, go carts

Wait, can you still remember...

Getting up at 3 in the morning, sitting under a blanket at the back of a bakkie to spend the day at Park renie, illovo beach or midmar dam?

When around the corner seemed far away and going into town seemed like going somewhere, and your ma made you "dress up" for the trip. Going to town to do Christmas shopping. Peeling skin in summer. Sticky fingers and sand in and on everything Marbles, yo-yo's, tops, kites...

Walking to school - no matter what the weather and too embarrassed to wear a raincoat. Walking home and spending the bus fare. Running till you were out of breath. Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt.

Jumping on the bed..... Pillow fights. Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down. Being tired from playing... Remember that? The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team. Paper water bombs and Slingaberry cotters were the ultimate weapon. A piece of card in the spokes held by a clothes peg transformed any Bicycle into a motorcycle. I'm not finished just yet...... Can you still taste and smell... eating egg sweets and jellytots, Ice lollies made from cold drink in Tupperware holders in the freezer. Licking the spoon when cakes were baked.......... Camping in a tent (with no electricity) was not an option. Marshmallow fish and mice.

Remember when... There were two types of takkies - North Star and the canvas ones, and the only time you wore them at school, was for "PE" in your white shorts and ..... Startrek, A team, Airwolf, Knight Rider, Gummie Bears, The Lone Ranger, Bravestar... It wasn't odd to have two or three "best" friends, if you're a boy its ok for a girl to be your bestfriend and vice versa, you knew everyone in the road, even their cousins were your friends. Nobody owned a pedigree dog! 25 cents was decent pocket money. When nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got there, and you could get a hiding from any of them!

And you got another if you went crying to your mom!!! Remember how we used to catch tadpoles in the canal & not worry about the germs we might pick up? When it was considered a great privilege and very unusual to be taken out to dinner at a real restaurant or in a proper hotel.

Remember when it was an outing to go to Wimpy. (woooooooooowwwwwww)

When watching spaghetti westerns or karate movie in the art room on Friday afternoon was the highlight of the week? And trying the moves out when the movie was done!!! Or when on the rare occasion your father bought Kentucky?

Remember how we used to lie on the grass & eat mango and chilli powder or bhor and figs.

Remember when any parent could discipline any kid, or feed him or use him to carry groceries and nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it. When being sent to the head master's office was nothing compared to the fate that awaited a misbehaving student at home.

Basically, we were in fear for our lives but it wasn't because of muggings, drugs, gangs, etc... Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat....and some of us are still afraid of them!!!

Didn't that feel good.....just to go back and say, Yeah, I remember that

Remember when.... Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-mo."
Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "Nix!" A "race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest. Money was handled by whoever was the banker in "Monopoly". Having a weapon in school meant being caught with a BIC pen, pea shooter or a "kettie". Taking drugs meant orange-flavoured chewable vitamin C, Milk of Magnesia Or a spoonful of castor oil. Ice cream was considered a basic food group. Skills and courage were discovered because of a "dare". Older siblings were the worst tormentors, but also the fiercest Protectors

If you can remember most or all of these, then....


Monday, January 17, 2005

New beginnings

What a great weekend that was : we spent loads of time at home, and hosted people for meals and chats on Saturday and Sunday - it was TERRIFIC !

Young Zi had friends to play with, and was such a good boy...

We want to do more of this; spending time with your friends is so important - we have missed this over the last few years...

The new beginning this week is Aziz starting at a new school on Wednesday : KPPS = Kwambonambi Pre-Primary School ~ lots of adjustments are in store for the whole family, but we're all looking forward to it. Aziz has been asking for friends all week, and he doesn't know what's coming :) I'd love to see his face on Wednesday ! Must remember to ask Heidi to take some photos....

Friday, January 14, 2005

Helping around the world

One good thing that has come out of the recent tsunami in SE Asia is the flood of efforts to try and assist our disaster-stricken brothers and sisters out there : from employee cash donations matched by big corporations, to secondhand clothing, to benefit concerts, we are seeing a tremendous drive by individuals and groups who may have no direct link to those folk out there many thousands of miles away, to try and improve their situation....makes me proud of the human race, again.

I urge everyone out there to try and get involved and make a difference, but also to make that a habit - make a difference EVERY DAY ! Raise awareness with your conversations, make a contribution with what you have materially available, do what you can !

I am so proud of my two nephews in Winnipeg, Canada: Leith and Jared are involved in seperate gigs this weekend that will benefit the tsunami relief efforts...

Check out their websites at : - Jared's project to assist the needy in SA - Leith' music production, event co-ordination and urban artist promotion company website

These guys are awesome young men, who are going to continue to be awesome...check them out !